Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary is a retreat center located near Garberville, California, in the heart of Southern Humboldt County. Nestled in the scenic hills, the sanctuary offers a peaceful and remote setting ideal for wellness, meditation, and personal growth.
Daishu-in West is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple located near Benbow, California. A branch of the Myoshin-ji sect of Japanese Rinzai Zen Buddhism, the temple was founded in 1994 by the abbot of Daishu-in in Kyoto, Soko Morinaga Roshi. Daishu-in West welcomes new and experienced practitioners for retreats of any length.
Garberville, California is a small, unincorporated community located in Humboldt County in Northern California. Known as the gateway to the Redwood Empire, Garberville serves as a hub for travelers exploring the majestic redwoods, coastal beauty, and the unique culture of this part of the state. The population was 1,815 at the 2022.
Richardson Grove State Park is located at the southernmost border of Humboldt County, south of Eureka, California. It is known for swimming on the South Fork of the Eel River and day use in addition to 159 campsites.